Burn Permits



Burn Days*

Annual will only be available from April 1 to April one of each year.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Any person issued a permit by the Carmel Township Clerk’s office for a Burning Permit shall retain the permit and shall exhibit the permit to the representative of the fire authority or any public safety officer upon demand.

Call 911 if you need assistance

Carmel Township Board would like to remind all residents that we have a new fire ordinance. The township charges $500.00 for residents for structure fires and fires without burning permits. Burning permits may be obtained, free of charge, by calling 517-543-9650 ext., 1 or email clerk@carmeltownship-mi.gov or visit the website to sign up for a burning permit at https://www.carmeltownship-mi.gov after August 1, 2024.

Permits for brush piles, leaves/yard waste & controlled burns of grass, the applicant must obtain a burning permit from the Carmel township clerk’s office prior to burning by calling 517-543-9650. (Permit duration can be issued for 1 to 7 days). A year-long application is being considered in the near future from April 1 to April 1 of each year.

The permit applicant MUST reside at or own the property of the permit address.

The permit holder must follow all burning regulations adopted by the township the address resides on
Ordinance Number 1, dated August 1, 2024.

A recreational bonfire does not require a burning permit so long as the following conditions are met:

  • Bonfires must be 50 feet from lot lines and 25 feet from structures in an enclosed area such as
    rocks or fire pit.
  • The wood burned in a bonfire must be seasoned, dry wood. No green wood, brush, lumber or
    other material may be burned. Burning of building demolition is not allowed.
  • The fire or smoke from the bonfire must not adversely affect neighbors or the public.
  • The bonfire must not cause any general safety hazards.

Any person issued a burning permit by the Township Clerk must retain the permit and must present the
permit to any fire authority representative or public safety officer upon demand.

For questions call the Carmel Township Clerk’s office at: 517-543-9650 ext. 1.