Carmel Township Board of Directors conducted a survey during the past election to collect input on the options for development of the property around the township offices. The results of the survey are in parentheses:
What is your age?
18–24 (3)
25–34 (4)
35–44 (31)
45–55 (16
55+ (55)
How many children do you have living or visiting your home?
None (45)
One (12)
Two+ (53)
How frequently do you visit City of Charlotte parks?
Frequently – once a week (15)
Sometimes – 1-2 times per month (31)
Rarely – less than 5 times per year (50)
Visit other parks (4)
How important are parks and recreation programs to the overall quality of life in Carmel Township?
Very important (43)
Important (35)
Somewhat important (15)
Not very important (5)
Not at all important (2)
What areas would you most frequent if available? (In order of frequency)
Trails paved (53)
Trails for exercise (50)
Places for children to play (50
Developed park (38)
Waterfront developed (30)
Off-leash dog area (26)
Pavilion areas (26)
Special events/concerts/movies (24)
Trails that link to neighborhoods
or connect to other trails (20)
Don’t use parks (5)
Other (3)
Should funding and maintenance for parks and recreation be a shared responsibility?
Yes (80)
No (17)
How would you rate the importance of natural open space to the community?
Very important (61)
Important (34)
Somewhat important (10)
Not very important (3)
Not at all important (1)
Do you or your family members have a need for ADA accessible facilities?
Yes (10
No (72)